Monday, October 22, 2012

Womens Role in Society

Throughout the text, some women are portrayed as being a positive influence upon society (rachael, Sissy), while other women are portyrayed as having a negative influence (Mrs. Sparsit). Analyze the role of women in Hard Times, and Dickens feeling of womens role within society.


  1. The role of women is portrayed in different ways by different characters throughout the text. Louisa is thought to be a "fire" which can't be contained; while Mrs. Sparsit chooses to conform to the typical role, following the demands of the authoritative male population. When Mr. Gradgrind is discussing the marriage proposal with Louisa, Mr. Gradgrind tells her to not "come to the consideration of...previous habits of mind, and the habits of life, that belong to many young women" (98). Mr. Gradgrind explaining his view of the women's role is to conform and not be an individual with their own opinion.

  2. I agree that the women are characterizations of different societal positions of Coketown. However, I think Dickens goes further to add judgement of these portrayals, tying to the karmic theme brought up in discussion. Because Mrs. Sparsit chooses to abide by the *evil* factual ideology, Bounderby humiliates her in front of the others and eventually fires her. Ultimately, Mrs. Sparsit isn’t happy and is "more dead than alive" (230). While Louisa was brought up with the Gradgrindian philosophy, she attempts to regain her creativity after leaving Bounderby. Though Louisa is not totally "fixed", she is still happier than Mrs. Sparsit by taking care of and loving Sissy's children.
